2018 Fall News and Public Affairs Day on KBOO



Produced for (Program name): 

News & Public Affairs Day only happens during a Membership Drive, bringing really great speakers:

The best minds of our times.

The most pertinent topics. Our most insightful programming.

Brought to you as part of our Membership Drive.

With every word, with every note, you turn the world of commercial media upside down through KBOO. Every hour of KBOO is an act of resistance against monotony and conformity. KBOO is made by you, for all of us. Support KBOO now, & make some noise.

Call 877-500-5266

Check out the thank you gifts available for your membership - including our 'Fight the Fascists Power Pack' exclusive for News and Public Affairs Day


Here's the lineup for the day:

7 - 8 am Democracy Now!

8 - 9 am Greg Palast on Positively Revolting Talk Radio

9 - 10 am Beloved Community: Why 9/11 Truth Still Matters

10 - 10:15 am Valley Views: Housing and Healthcare Challenges

10:15 - 11 am Flashpoints

11 am - 12 pm Digital Divide

12 pm - 1:30 pm  Live In-Studio Occupy ICE PDX panel with Direct Action Alliance

1:30 pm - 3 pm Van Jones: How We Came Apart, How We Come Together

3 pm - 4 pm Measure 11 panel with Babak Zolfaghari

4 pm - 5pm    Democracy Now

5 pm - 6 pm   Evening news

6 pm - 8 pm Lessons from German Antifascist Movements

And stay tuned after News and PA Day is over for a special live performance by The Slants!