Social Services


Kathleen Harder Interview

Produced for Between Us
Kathleen Harder is a democrat who is running for Oregon's new 6th US House District.  She talked with Don Merrill about how her medical experience will help bring more practical approaches to the Congress, how her educational experience will bring more attention to Oregon's... Read more

G Tommy Smith Interview

Produced for Between Us
G. Tommy Smith is a candidate for the District 4 seat being vacated by long time democrat Peter DeFazio.  He talked with Sam Bouman about why more attention needs to be paid to Oregon's native american population, why he feels the system to run for office isn't really geare... Read more

Michael Cross Interview

Produced for Between Us
Michael Cross is a democrat running for Oregon governor.  He talked with Don Merrill about why he switched from a staunch republican to a staunch democrat, how is run-ins with the law gives him a perspective his other candidates don't have, and why he believes his plan of b... Read more

BEDLAM: The Life & Mind of Earl Sedgwick

Airs at: Thu, 03/03/2022 at 11:30am - 12:00pm
Produced for Black Book Talk
     Bedlam:  The Life & Mind of Earl Sedgwick details the frustrating life of Earl Sedgwick, owner and operator of a mental institution. Earl grew up in the business and subsequently took it over despite his avowed hatred of how the business robbed him of his childhood. He... Read more

H. Thomas Ander Interview

Produced for Between Us
Tom Andersen is a staunch progressive with a long history of activism that stretches, Blue Bloods style, back to the family dinner table.  He talks with Don Merrill about how his social justice leanings will guide his role as a legislator, how he and his wife worked hard to... Read more

Bud Pierce Interview

Produced for Between Us
Bud Pierce is a practicing oncologist with aspirations to be Oregon's next governor.  He spoke with Don Merrill about how legalized drugs may not necessarily improve one's life, why having a productive life starts with having something to do that matters, and the controvers... Read more

Patrick Starnes Interview

Produced for Between Us
Patrick Starnes is a democratic candidate for Oregon governor in 2022.  He talked with Sam Bouman about his support for campaign finance legislation, balancing timber resources against the needs of timber communities and how he would repurpose Oregon's Kicker Fund to pay fo... Read more

Roe on the Rocks: Barriers in Idaho

Airs at: Thu, 12/23/2021 at 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Produced for Roe on the Rocks
  The "Roe on the Rocks" podcast, executive produced by KBOO's Claire Rischiotto, takes a look at how Oregon, a state with some of the most progressive abortion laws in the nation, will be impacted if Roe is overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. While abortion is legal in ... Read more

Build a Movement 2021 Testimonies Continued

Airs at: Fri, 01/07/2022 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Allen Hines, Housing Access Director of Community Vision and Nico Serra, Advocate and Educator facilitated Build A Movement (BAM) 2021, an annual event founded by John Griffiths.  In this final session, participants shared their testimonies about housing, healthcare and ser... Read more