

THE CRASH COURSE with CHRIS MARTENS: Understanding the Interdependence of our Economy, Environment, and Energy Systems

Airs at: Mon, 06/04/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
Chris Martenson used to be part of the 1%. Five years ago he traded his McMansion and position as Vice President of a Fortune 500 company for a much simpler life in rural western Massachusetts. Now his goal is to shed light on the limits of our present economic model of ... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 05-31-12 Can we break through polarization about climate change?

Airs at: Thu, 05/31/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Can we break through polarization about climate change? A conversation with Max and Ellen Schupbach about deep democracy Climate change remains a political lightening rod that's left those who believe and those who deny it exists locked in a stalemate that makes action by ... Read more

Positively Revolting on 05-25-12 Police infiltration of radical movements-- really?

Airs at: Fri, 05/25/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Positively Revolting
Police infiltration of radical movements-- really? They do that? Listen in for a lively discussion! Lyn and ani's guest will be Peg Millett, environmental activist, and member of the so-called Arizona Five.  In 1989, Peg was arrested with other Earth Firsters in a sting op... Read more

Book Mole: later novels of Wallace Stegner

Airs at: Mon, 05/28/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Larry Bowlden reviews the signifance of Wallace Stegner's wide-ranging vocation as a writer and teacher. Stegner wrote short-stories, biographies, novels, literary and environmental criticism. Stegner was a creative writing teacher to many powerful writers, such as Ken Kese... Read more


Airs at: Mon, 05/28/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
For the past year Oregon news has been filled with stories of timber-dependent counties on the brink of bankruptcy. Beginning in 1937 these 18 western Oregon counties benefited from federal timber receipts, as they overcut old growth forests on western BLM lands—the so-c... Read more

Tillicum Wawa with Cynthia King/News on Winnemem Wintu/Upcoming "Return Voyage" Event

What a great learning opportunity, speaking with Cynthia King, Native herbalist and owner of The Herb Shed! Her specialty is aromatherapy...at one point she sprayed cedar mist in the air room. The calming and balancing effects left us very relaxed. I thinks that could be he... Read more

JUST HOW CLEAN ARE ELECTRIC CARS: An Interview with Don Anair, Union of Concerned Scientists

Airs at: Mon, 05/21/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
Everybody knows an electric car doesn’t use gasoline, but since it gets its power from the electric grid, the question remains: How clean is an electric car? A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists, “State of Charge: Electric Vehicles’ Global Warming Emissions... Read more

Exciting times ahead!

I am looking forward to the John Talley Memorial Event this Friday...People from across cultures will gather to honor the one and only, the late John Talley... When I get the final of the program I will post it here. I am honored to have interned with John here at KBOO in 20... Read more

Gerry Pollet talks about the latest chapter in the Hanford cleanup saga.

Airs at: Tue, 05/15/2012 at 12:00am
Hosted by Abe Proctor and Joe Uris.  For decades, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation on the Columbia River has been a festering stew of radioactive waste. A long-term effort is under way to clean it up -- but if the federal government has its way, Hanford will be the new home... Read more

Headlines, Fukushima radiation contanimation, Occupy PDX, Hanford nuclear waste dump & more

Airs at: Thu, 05/10/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Presswatch
Host Theresa Mitchell gives Headlines, talks about Fukushima radiation contanimation on Nori seaweed and how vitamin C is hekping people. She also discusses Occupy PDX, Hanford as nuclear waste dump, coal trains & more. Read more