

The Well-read Red

Airs at: Mon, 03/16/2020 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
A reading from a recent blog by social critic Mike Davis, author of the 2005 book, The Monster at the Door: the Global Threat of Avian Flu, a prescient examination of pandemics in the context of late-stage capitalism. Davis’s piece was recently published on the Haymarket... Read more

COVID19 Info for KBOO Volunteers

KBOO volunteers: We want to first thank you for your support as we implement some operational changes in response to the COVID-19 state-wide mandate issued by Governor Kate Brown on 3/12/20. As a result, our collective decision is to practice social distancing necessary... Read more

KBOO 2020 Election Coverage

As we gear up for Oregon primaries on May 19th, and national elections in November, KBOO is committed to bringing you fair and accurate news about the elections and bringing you the voices of state and local candidates - both the well-known and well-funded, and those who... Read more

Help Promote @KBOO on social media!

This is how you can help your radio station! These are standard  It's KBOO's Membership Drive!   Can you help spread the word? Support your community radio station today by clicking donate, and by getting the word out through social media: Share this link! ... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour

  Every Monday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. A program of social and political commentary from a socialist-feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial point of view. The Old Mole burrows down to the roots of the great issues of our time – the struggles of ordinary people for... Read more