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Holiday Shopping

Esteemed KBOO listeners, If you decide to go shopping for friends or family this holiday season, please consider patronizing KBOO underwriters as a way of saying thank you for supporting the real voices and real radio upon which you rely. You can see a list of KBOO sponsors ... Read more

KBOO sets the standard for integrity in underwriting.

Here’s a story from “Marketplace” with some interesting discussion on the effects of corporate underwriting on noncommercial programming integrity and the importance of a firewall between programming and underwriting. I always take so much pride in pointing out that KBOO has... Read more

Review of Monsters, open 11/12/10

Monsters Director: Gareth Edwards With: Whitney Able, Scoot McNairy One of the conventional ideas about science fiction is that if our planet were invaded by hostile extra-terrestrials, we would all band together to defeat the common enemy, and then sing “Kumbayah” forever. ... Read more

Review of Morning Glory, now open (11/10/10)

Morning Glory Director: Roger Michell With: Rachel McAdams, Diane Keaton, Harrison Ford, Jeff Goldblum, Patrick Wilson, John Pankow In the first episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Mary interviews with Lou Grant.  Grant has a frozen smile all through it, then tells her th... Read more

worker co-ops, local currency on PressWatch

This first link takes you to a 45-page pamphlet that tells you how to form a worker cooperative, and start making money together with your friends! Copy and paste it to your browser. pamphlet: start your own... Read more