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New Releases May 29, 2013

Adid    Acid    Hub City Records    Alternative RockAlison Moyet    The Minutes    Motley Music Limited    RockAnny Celsi    January    Ragazza Music    RockBill Ryder-Jones    A Bad Wind Blows in My Heart    Domino    Alternative RockBirds and Arrows    Coyotes    Red Eye... Read more

Summer fun for KBOO volunteers!

There are many roles for volunteers at KBOO.  Whether you have a little time to do some ocassional projects, or if you are interested in making a weekly commitment, there are roles to suit your interests.  Our volunteer community is made up of about 500 people, doing what t... Read more

On Radically Loving the World

On Radically Loving the WorldHear this as audio with music Let me ask what might seem a very naïve question:  Why are we so willing to trash the world we live in?  Or to be a little less naïve, Why do we allow those who govern our world to destroy, pollute, and enslave the ... Read more

Happy Birthday to KBOO! We're releasing a 7"!

KBOO Community Radio was born in June, 1968; a healthy 10 watt baby that would eventually grow up to change the idea of what radio could be: who is on the air, what kind of content is provided to listeners, and how radio waves are valued.KBOO was the local outlet for the Li... Read more

KBOO’s first Artist In Residence: MARISA ANDERSON

KBOO’s first Artist In Residence: MARISA ANDERSONWe have begun a new Artist Program here at KBOO. Formally called “The KBOO Community Radio Artist Support Program” we began this program to provide resources and assist artists working creatively with sound. Every year, an ar... Read more

Brad Smith WebVisions & Bradley Manning Audio from Hearing (the guardian)

Interview with Brad Smith from WebVisions Event Audio (unconfirmed but listen for yourself) of Bradley Manning speaking at his court-martial hearing on what he did and why he did it. Compelling! Listen for yourself.https://pressfreed... Read more