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“When I’m casting about for experts who can speak to my students about war, the most important topic of our time, or any time, I look for two things. First, command of the facts, from the big picture to the details. Second, passion and a strong point of view. Lots of speakers meet one criterion, but very few meet both. David Swanson meets both and then some. I love having him talk to students in my seminar on war. He wakes them up, he rivets their attention. He has a fascinating answer to every possible question, and every challenge to his point of view. The only problem is that my students are disappointed when David departs and they’re just left with me.” —John Horgan, author, The End of War, professor, Stevens Institute of Technology

“I moved from feeling hesitant to invite a World BEYOND War speaker into my classroom into an enthusiastic supporter of inviting World BEYOND War every year into my class. As is the case for most of us teachers, my students are incredibly patriotic and have a narrow view of history that teaches that war is necessary and good. I was not sure if my students would turn their ears off if someone suggested that all of America’s wars were not glorious, but the opposite happened. Mr. Swanson’s rational and well supported approach opened minds. Students asked great questions and a lively discussion ensued. In the end, students could see why war was irrational and even more importantly, their minds were opened to imagine different solutions to real problems. ” —Katherine Murphy, Teacher of Ethics and Social Justice, Gonzaga High School, Washington, D.C.


Contact email: david at davidswanson dot org




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