13--SITE/PART--Dada Potentials



From: C Goff III <padukem@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Dada Potentials
To: onehundredonehours@yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 9:10 AM

Greetings Richard And Jennifer,

Portland pal of mine just forwarded me your announcement of your
upcoming Dada event.  Here in Lawrence, Kansas, Mayor Boog
Highberger declared INTERNATIONAL DADAISM MONTH in 2006, and I
organized a Dada event on April Fools Day of that year.  The three
hour event was filmed, and I edited the footage into about an hour long
presentation.  I have been doing Dadaesque art, audio, and video
for many years.  It's highly unlikely that I will be able to
attend your upcoming Labor Day festivities unfortunately, but I could
offer you some materials to share somehow with your
participants/audiences if you are interested.

The link below
leads to my Dada website.  It contains the full verbiage of the
Mayor's proclamation, some video links (including a smidge of
Schwitters from the show mentioned above), some photos, and a couple of
links to other Dadaist groups.


The links below lead to a couple of samples of my Dada videos related to Kurt Schwitters specifically:



link below leads to "Composition 3"  instructions for performance
of an original Dadaesque activity (which was also performed at the
April 1st celebration mentioned above):


I have many more materials to offer.  My main website, TAPED RUGS PRODUCTIONS is at:


would be happy to supply video, audio, visual images, etc. for this
event if you are interested.  Lemme know if you are and good luck
with your production!

Charles Goff III