KBOO Archives Wiki


Published date: 
Monday, May 1, 2017 - 3:30pm

This Google Sites wiki references the deliverables created during the 2016-2017 American Archive of Public Broadcasting National Digital Stewardship Residency.




KBOO Program Archiving and Preservation Project

Project Summary

The KBOO Program Archiving and Preservation NDSR resident will aid in the design and development of a process for the digitization, preservation, and cataloging of 7500 historic KBOO programs dating from the late 1960s. The project will involve designing the PBCore metadata catalogue, as well as investigating and developing systems for search and access to the digitally archived programs. The goal is a system for making archived programs accessible to KBOO programmers, other stations, researchers and the public.

Specific Project Goals and Objectives

1. Survey existing analog audio inventory and create a PBCore metadata schema to help staff manage analog “historical” audio assets. This will prepare media/metadata for long term preservation, submission to archival repositories, and patron access.

2. Research, outline and document KBOO’s current digital storage and archiving practices for historic programs. Work with mentor(s) to design new strategies and produce a policies & procedures manual for saving and archiving programs.

3. Assess current digital program production practices of live programs at KBOO and recommend next steps for developing an integrated searchable database of born-digital and analog audio.


Project Timeframe and Deliverables

Months 1-2:

Training and Orientation

1. Introduction to KBOO and to radio and audio production

2. Familiarize resident with existing Excel inventory sheet and station archiving and preservation needs.

3. Familiarize resident with the existing tape and other media archives and their associated problems and needs.

4. Familiarize resident with current practices for recording saving live programming (born digital).

5. Familiarize resident with current practices for recording and saving historic programming (analog material).


Months 3-7: Design and Implementation

1. Work with mentor(s) to design project workflow in more detail

2. Create and implement PBCore architecture to meet needs of KBOO programmers and other users.

3.Train and supervise (with assistance from mentor) volunteers and interns in cataloging audio programs in the PBCore architecture (deliverable)

4. Work with mentors and KBOO staff to recommend next steps for developing an integrated searchable database of born-digital and analog audio.(deliverable)

5. Work with mentor(s) to design new strategies and produce a policies & procedures manual for saving and archiving programs (deliverable)


Months 8-9: Documentation and Final Reporting

1. Finalize strategy and archiving policies and procedures into a manual (deliverable)

2. Design (with mentor) work plan and recommendations for continuing digitization and preservation, especially of vulnerable and damaged reel-to-reel tapes (deliverable)

3. Identify key challenges and future needs for archiving and digital preservation and recommendations in a final report (deliverable)