Spring 2016 News and Public Affairs Day



"Bringing the truth to light" is the theme of KBOO's Spring Membership Drive, and the lineup of talks and interviews we have for you this Friday exemplifies that concept.

Please consider becoming a member at the $6.25/month level and you can get an exclusive KBOO audio flash drive filled with all the content from the day, as well as dozens of hours of exclusive KBOO public affairs and music.


Here is the schedule for this amazing day of public affairs programming, Friday April 29th, on KBOO:

7:00am - 8:00 am - Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez

--Amy is on a hundred-city tour promoting her new book 'Democracy Now' to mark the 20th anniversary of the show. She'll be in Portland May 8th, and you can get tickets to the event by calling in your membership to KBOO 877-500-5266 at the $20/month level

8:00am to 9:00am May Day - Twining the Green, the Black, and the Red

A conversation with historian Peter Linebaugh on the radical history of May Day.

“May Day is about affirmation, the love of life, and the start of spring, so it has to be about the beginning of the end of the capitalist system of exploitation, oppression, war, and overall misery, toil, and moil.” So writes celebrated historian Peter Linebaugh in an essential compendium of reflections on the reviled, glorious, and voltaic occasion of May 1st.


We are excited for the opportunity to explore the history of this radical, life-affirming holiday. We'll be talking about Peter Linebaugh's book The Incomplete True Authentic & Wonderful History of May Day. You can GET A COPY as your thank you gift for joining KBOO by calling 877-500-5266 during the show.



Reverend Billy on "The Earth Wants YOU" - 04/29/2016 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Host Paul Roland speaks with Reverend Billy about his new book The Earth Wants YOU, a motivational handbook for earth activists, filled with inspired visions of a wild, creative, Earth-led cultural revolution. Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping offer up humor, critique, passionate commitment, emotional catharsis, and example after example of vibrant direct action. Stop shopping and feel the love as you sign up for the struggle of our lives! Earthalujah! Reverend Billy and his choir of singing-activists are on the front lines of creative direct action. Reverend Billy answers the question, "What are we to do?" with a resounding chorus of "Take Action NOW! "The Church of Stop Shopping is in the vanguard of a new movement that challenges this consumer society that is killing our planet."—Mike Roselle, Climate Ground Zero and Coal River Mountain Watch Reverend Billy will be at Powell's City of Books, at 1005 W Burnside on Sunday, May 01, 2016 at 7pm - 9pm


Get a COPY OF THE BOOK as your thank you for joining KBOO during the show - call 877-500-5266


David Swanson on "War Is A Lie": Fri, 04/29/2016 at 10:30am - 12:00pm

Author and activist David Swanson spoke in Portland earlier this month. We present his talk based on his book, War Is A Lie, a thorough refutation of every major argument used to justify wars, drawing on evidence from numerous past wars, with a focus on those that have been most widely defended as just and good. Swanson presents a variety of approaches to resisting, reducing and eliminating war, from counter-recruitment in schools, ending the draft, and conscientious objection, to lobbying, protesting, and dramatically disrupting the machinery of war. He will focus, however, on the process of educating people to recognize false justifications for war and to reject them. Swanson argues that, while the prevention of a U.S. bombing campaign in Syria in 2013 and the upholding of a nuclear agreement with Iran in 2015 left much to be desired, they also provide grounds for encouragement, and were built on the public understanding of the lies about Iraq that had been promoted in 2002-2003 by such public figures as Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton. Swanson argues for a different understanding of current U.S. wars in Western Asia from that most often promoted on television. Frightening beheading videos, he suggests, were intended to draw the United States into war, and succeeded only because the U.S. public is not yet sufficiently resistant to such manipulation. David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. His books include When the World Outlawed War, and War No More: The Case for Abolition. Swanson serves as director of World Beyond War, and host of Talk Nation Radio. He blogs at DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. He was a 2015 and 2016 Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Swanson was instrumental in exposing the Downing Street Minutes and other evidence of Iraq war lies.


Get a COPY OF THE BOOK as your thank you for joining KBOO during the show - call 877-500-5266


Peter Willcox on "Greenpeace Captain: My Adventures in Protecting the Future of Our Planet: Fri, 04/29/2016 at 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Host Kathleen Stephenson interviews Peter Willcox about GREENPEACE CAPTAIN: My Adventures in Protecting the Future of Our Planet, his autobiography written with Ron Weiss. Willcox talks about French secret agents who blew up his ship and murdered his shipmate, about risking exposure to nuclear waste and dioxins, and triumphing over a myriad of other seemingly impossible challenges.  He is probably best known as a senior member of the “Arctic 30”—the Greenpeace crew captured by Russian commandos and imprisoned for protesting an illegal oil drilling platform in international waters. Peter Willcox will be at Powell's City of Books on Monday, May 9 @ 7:30 PM


Get a COPY OF THE BOOK as your thank you for joining KBOO during the show - call 877-500-5266


Naomi Klein on Transitioning to Climate Justice 1:00pm - 2:30pm

We present a special broadcast from Alternative Radio featuring Naomi Klein on Transitioning to Climate Justice. Climate change, you've heard of that. But climate justice?

Dahr Jamail on War, Peace and Climate Disruption: Fri, 04/29/2016 at 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Host Lisa Loving speaks with journalist Dahr Jamail who writes frequently about climate disruption as well as war and peace issues. Jamail is a Truthout staff reporter, and author of The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, (Haymarket Books, 2009), and Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches From an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq, (Haymarket Books, 2007). Jamail reported from Iraq for more than a year, as well as from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Turkey over the last 10 years, and has won the Martha Gellhorn Award for Investigative Journalism, among other awards. His third book, The Mass Destruction of Iraq: Why It Is Happening, and Who Is Responsible, co-written with William Rivers Pitt, is available now at Powells. He lives and works in Washington State. Dahr Jamail will be the keynote speaker at Oregon PSR’s Greenfield Peace Writing Scholarship Awards Ceremony When: Friday, April 29th, 2016, 6:00-8:00 PM Where: First Unitarian Church’s Buchan Reception Hall (1226 SW Salmon Street in Portland) Free and open to the public. For more information: www.oregonpsr.org, 503-274-2720


Get a COPY OF THE BOOK as your thank you for joining KBOO during the show - call 877-500-5266


Please help us raise $10,000 on Friday 4/29 to help us toward our goal of $120,000 for our Spring Membership Drive - call 877-500-5266 or join online now!