Playlists for "Il Gallo Canta"/Rise When the Rooster Crows (Paul Roland's show)



My playlists are finally up! (for dedicated and curious listeners)
Just want to let folks know that I've finally put up most (soon all) of the current and back playlists for my 1st and 3rd Thursday edition of "Rise When the Rooster Crows" (aka "Il Gallo Canta). Today's show explored a diversity of folk traditions developed or adopted by African-Americans (country blues, ballads, stringband, jug band, fiddle tunes, and more). October 3rd's show continued my explorations into the deep riches of the KBOO record library, with folk musical traditions from around Central and South America. My September 19 show took us on a tour of Native North America, with indigenous traditional music and a variety of hybrid forms (more fiddle tunes, contemporary folk songs, country, and more). Will get this one up soon! Last but not least, my August 15 show featured mountain music from the Alps to the Appalachians. Hope you've enjoyed the shows! I'd tell you to contact me via email through the website but I don't think that function's working again yet. But feel free to call the station (503-231-8032)and leave a message if you have any comments! And thanks to all those who've donated to KBOO during my show and the other morning folk programs during the pledge drive!