



Last month, Shusli and I retired our program "Tillicum Wawa: Voices of the People." We did so to reduce stress and to manage our lives better. Our work, new home, and other things are not so easy to manage with worrying and stressing and doing our best to create the best program we could for our listeners.

We WERE NOT ran out and our decision has NOTHING to do with whatever is going on with KBOO at the moment. Jenka was begging us to stay and when she realized we would not be was begging us to suggest replacements.

We did receive poor reviews due to timing. Life stresses at times would reduce the quality of our output from time to time and that timing coincided with the reviews that happened of our program. The reviews WERE NOT pressures to get us to quit, but weren't very motivating either. The staff doesn't have time to review shows over an amount of time. Just one at random.

We've been thinking of retiring for well over a year but would keep putting it off or something would amaze us. We stuck to our guns this time and are happy for it. I hope some Natives step forward to produce programs, but I don't know how that is going.

We'd like to express our appreciation to our listeners and supporters over the years. Thank you!