Changes to the Front Page



Yep, we've made some changes to the front page

 Hello, all -

We made some changes to the front page, which we hope are helpful to you.

Here's some information for programmers:

  • The Title used to be "[Program Title] on [Date]" - now it's "[Short Description] on [Program Title]"
  • Teaser used to be formatted text - now it's shorter, stripped-of-HTML text
  • Teaser showed all images post - teaser only shows the first image

The Schedule Episodes, or the pages that are connected to the promos on the front page, look exactly the way the programmers created them.

We made this change because the way we were promoting promos to the front page had become too cumbersome.

Initially, I would go into each episode and made a few edits, mostly involving the posting date. It was rare for me to spend more than 5 minutes on an episode unless there was a lot of botched code.

Recently, when the website began having serious difficulties, and the Schedule Episode were not allowing themselves to be edited, I faced a big dilemma. I could promote the episodes -- but then they would be on the front page out of order. Or I could delete the episode and remake it, which seems like it should be fast, but in reality was anything but.

This new method was my best compromise for posting the Schedule Episodes in a timely manner.



<p>Please tell us how to download radio programs on KBOO, to our computers, thus cd's to play later. .</p><p>Thank you</p><p>&nbsp;</p>