

My first interview with Hillary Larson about Gangaji
I'm very excited to announce the start of my new podcast called NEW VISIONS FOR PEACE produced through the KBOO Community Radio studios here in Portland. The first show was an interview with Hillary Larson, Regional Coordinator for the Gangaji Foundation about Gangaji and her upcoming Open Meeting In Portland on April 28th at the Unity Church on SE Stark. I have listened to hundreds of amazing podcasts over the last five years or so, which is what inspired me to learn how to create my own. We are so lucky here in Portland to have KBOO as a resource to learn how and produce programs that can benefit our community. It was really fun to do this first interview with Hillary as her direct experience with Gangaji and her teaching was so personal and thoughtfully expressed that It allows the listener to get a real sense of what it is like to be at a Gangaji event, to learn from and absorb her energy and philosophy. I also really liked the pre-recorded piece we played from a Gangaji meeting where she spoke about addictions. She spoke about loosening your thoughts from the pre-occupation with what you are wanting or what you are avoiding, and how that frees up a lot of space for in your mind for clear awareness. I found that really motivating to pay attention to what my thoughts are.