take action to stop bus fare doubling
TriMet, the local bus service, proposes to effectively double fares for seniors-- who will have to purchase a separate fare for return trips. Everyone, under their proposal, will have to buy a one-way ticket for $2.50-- if you don't qualify for the reduced "honored citizen" fare-- or buy a $5 day pass.
You may comment until March 2 on the website, which forces you to click through several pages of their justifications before you can get to the feedback form. Here is the link without the propaganda: http://trimet.org/mailforms/budgetproposal
I suggest TriMet apply via our Congressmen and Senators for federal funds. We're just talking a few ($17.7) million here, not even a billion by a long shot, peanuts to the US Federal government, which goes on and on about "national security." Well, how are we secure if we can't afford to go get groceries? Other States get far more proportionally from the US Government (via military bases) than Oregon does. So the Feds can just pony up.