KBOO is a proud media sponsor for Camp Cascadia's Rain Dance Festival
When: October 7-9, 2011
Where: Hornings Hideout in North Plains, OR
Cost: $60 Only 500 tickets to be sold. Buy Tickets
"Everyone is invited to "Party With Purpose!" at Camp Cascadia's Rain Dance at Horning's Hideout October 7th, 8th, & 9th.
This is the last music festival of the year at Horning's and a portion of proceeds will benefit American Cancer Society's Fight Against Breast Cancer.
Bands include TapWater, Jujuba, PKB, Everyday Prophets, Sugarcane, 4 On The Floor, Pagan Jug Band, Left Coast Country, World's Finest, BitterRoot, and many more... Don't miss the midnight battle of the bands & free yoga classes from Sprout Health.
Weekend passes include camping and are $60 for earlybirds, purchased before October 1st, and $75 thereafter. Earlybird purchases will also be offered a free AudioGlobe download of the Rain Dance set of their choice. Food and beer will be available on-site.
Must be 21 to attend.
Please do not bring any glass, pets, weapons, or fireworks.
Sponsors include KBOO Community Radio, AudioGlobe, & Migration Brewing Company.
Only 500 Rain Dance tickets are available and they are on sale now at www.campcascadia.com.