Be a Part of the Solution! Volunteer Meeting this Saturday 12/8 11 - 2 at Liberty Hall



Be a Part of the Solution! Volunteer Meeting this Saturday 12/8 11 - 2 at Liberty Hall

Be a Part of the Solution!!!

  • Do you care about supporting KBOO as a great institution?
  • Do you care about better serving our communities?
  • Do you want KBOO to succeed in meeting our challenges?

Of course you do!!!  That's why you need to be at the Volunteer Community Meeting this Saturday, December 8th, 11 AM - 2 PM, at Liberty Hall (311 N Ivy). Click here for a map. KBOO will provide refreshments!
As we approach KBOO's 40th birthday, we are taking stock of our strengths, and taking action on areas that need improvement.  We know that to be as successful as we can be, we need your ideas, as well as your participation to make them a reality.

We will be addressing ways to:

  • Improve financial stability through outreach, web and fundraising ideas
  • Improve programming through meaningful evaluation and change
  • Re-affirm KBOO's core values as an organization

The staff and board have put together some preliminary information to use in this and future discussions. Packets of information are available at KBOO (in a pocket on the volunteer activities board) or you can request that I email it to you.

Whether you can make it to the meeting this Saturday or not, please get informed, then get involved!

Please RSVP to Toni or myself, or call me at 503-231-8032 ext 213, by 5 on Friday.

We really do want and need your participation, so I hope that you can be there!  If you are unable to attend this Saturday, we will also hold a community meeting in January that is open to everyone (this meeting is specifically for KBOO volunteers), and you are always welcomed to talk with myself, Chris Merrick or Arthur Davis about these critical issues, and how you want to help. 

With appreciation for all that you do! 

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