Best of the Youth Collective 2009


Best of the Youth Collective 2009

The KBOO Youth Collective: A 2009 Retrospective

The KBOO Youth Collective has had a great year, with lots of energy from new members, and some transitions into the larger world of KBOO for other members.
Outside of the Youth Collective broadcasts, you can check out Tony and Garrett Monday mornings from 3-5:30 am on their show, look for Jennifer’s work in the AM Public Affairs Archive, and BreAna is the regular news engineer on Wednesdays!
But, back to what we’ve been doing in 2009. Seems like the best way is to tour you through our audio… so here are some of my favorite stories produced by the KBOO Youth Collective in 2009.

Our most recent show, December 23, 2009, had a piece by long time member Garrett Beck. He went to the Portland Plan meeting, and ended up interviewing Mayor Sam Adams.

Talon Bronson is a newer member to the collective, and he has embraced the multi-track mixing with fervor! He has inspired us all to hear our pieces more deeply, and to become more creative in our presentation. Here is his first story, from our November show on Pirates. Talon lists the Five Best Five Pirate Films of All Time

Another member of the collective that came to us in 2009 is Audrey Tsai. She is a active and engaged student who doesn’t come to meetings regularly, but has managed to participate through our modern technological tools. Here is an interview she conducted  in October  with Charles McGee of the Black Parent Initiative. Their mission is to inspire and mobilize Black parents to ensure their children achieve educational excellence.

Athena has been a member of the Collective for a little over a year now, but was focused on Behind-The-Scenes work for the majority of her time here. She has recently begun to produce pieces, and here is a profile on the Oregon Vortex she did in December for our Urban Legends show.

Sawyer has been a member of the Collective for a few years now, and has taken over the Youngest Member title from Zoe Loranger. He did a piece in April about the effects of the Full Moon.

Speaking of Zoe Loranger, she’s still an active member of the collective, as an engineer, trainer, and producer. Here is an interview she conducted in April with Orlan and Emmanual from the Global Oneness Project.

Our other member of the Loranger Dynasty, BreAna, continually produces great work of a political and analytical nature. Here is a piece she produced in November about the Somali Pirates.

We also had many great Radio Producers that have moved on from KBOO. The Young Ladies Radio Project was a six month grant funded project we did with the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization. We taught 6 teenage immigrant girls about the process of creating and producing radio, focusing on issues of science and technology. Here is the story they put together on the importance of sleep.

Marina was a short time volunteer, but was very active while she was here. She did this interview with Mireaya Medina, the program director at Beats for Peace, about the importance of Youth Activism.

Another long time volunteer Charlie, who goes to Evergreen College in Olympia, did some work in the summer. He created this profile on the Timbers Army for our August Show on Games.

2010 promises to be exciting and interesting! The Youth Collective will be part of a Membership Drive for the first time since our last Winter Drive, so we are doing special training, and are looking forward to participating. We also look forward to working at Roosevelt High School with Brooke Palmer and Ryan White, and at Madison High School with the SUN Program. We also still love our regular community partners (too many to list!), who have been so supportive for all these years. Thank You!
I am thrilled to work with these kids in this job, and I thank you all for your support in helping make this happen. If you know of anyone interested in radio, and who is under 21, please let them know about the work we are doing. We are always looking for new members. If you have any questions, please call or email me, and I would be happy to respond.

Thank you,

Erin Yanke
KBOO Youth Advocate
(503) 231- 8032 x221