Why do right-wingers believe all that crap?



Internet crap spread about the left.

Why does so much disinformation make the rounds among the right wing/tea party crowd?  There are two matters here.
The first is gullibility.  There is a measurable minority in this country who will believe anything about Obama.  He's a cannibal, he's a Muslim, he's a Kenyan, he will take away our guns, he is a socialist.  I am a socialist, socialists are friends of mine, and, Barack, you are no socialist.  Ninety-five percent of the people who believe he is a socialist could not define one if a gun were held to their head.
The people responsible for spreading this BS are the ones who will benefit most from poor schmucks believing these lies, to wit: white supremacists, bigots and the Republican Party.  They all benefit from voters who are uninformed, terrified and gullible, i.e., the Republican base.  Appealing to fear and prejudice has always been the hallmark of totalitarian systems, Nazis, Stalinists, Republicans.  Goebbels wrote the book, Lee
Atwater and  Herr Karl Rove read it.
Second, the idea that liberals, or whatever the boogie-man du jour is (Jews, Gypsies, furriners, Mexicans) want to take away guns is bullshit.  There is about a 50-50 split on whether gun control laws should be stricter, and the pro-control number fluctuates.
I am a lefty.  I own 2 handguns.  As a Bill of Rights absolutist, I support the idea of the Second Amendment, even though it was written in a far different time while we were in far more hostile surroundings.
I am also a First Amendment absolutist, yet I recognize that there are legitimate limitations: libel and slander, yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater, hate speech, inciting to riot.  So, I also recognize that society has legitimate concerns about firearms.
Something hard to understand about that?  One amendment says "Congress shall make no law..." and the other says "...shall not be infringed."  Yet, there are reasonable limits for each.
One last thing.  To our right-wing brothers and sisters: Examine your own psyche and try to understand why you want to swallow every piece of internet horsey-poo about Obama, liberals, Democrats, etc., whole.  Why do you think?