Vets for Peace: Dana Visalli - “Afghanistan: People, Land, War, Peace”



Dana Visalli Lecture for Vets for Peace- “Afghanistan: People, Land, War, Peace”

KBOO is a proud co-sponsor of Vets for Peace's Dana Visalli Lecture

Veterans for Peace is a group of Oregon Veterans working together for
 Peace and Justice through non-violence.

 Dana Visalli - "Afghanistan: People, Land, War, Peace"

 As a botanist and naturalist with this science-based orientation, I
 have a long-standing concern about the impact of modern warfare on
 human society and on the natural world.

The talk will include the stories and faces of the Afghan people
that we meet, the conditions of Afghan women and children, current
perspectives on the war there, and the state of the natural

When:  6:00 PM Potluck
             7:00 PM* Presentation
             Monday March 22nd 2010

Where: American Friends Service Committee
             AFSC Friendship Meeting Hall
             4312 SE Stark Street
             Portland, OR 97215

 *For more information contact Jenika at jenika5525 (at) comcast dot net