Dubya, Hammer of God


May 18, 2009

Remember, back in those nightmare years surrounding the initial invasion and occupation of Iraq? Remember when we would speculate, half in jest, that Dubya was an unhinged, end-times, Book-of-Revelation, whackjob war leader? That he was, ha-ha, doing God's work in smiting the infidels? That he was, snort, paving the way for the Apocalypse?

All of it was true.

It seems that Donald Rumsfeld, in those early days during and after the invasion, would submit to the President a daily intelligence briefing called the Worldwide Intelligence Update. On each cover was emblazoned a full-color hymn to American martial virtue, complete with appropriately smite-tacular Biblical verse.

I kid you not. Bush was EVERY INCH the nutjob avenging Warrior of God we imagined him to be in our dark satiric daydreams.

These people need to go to jail.




Thank you for adding the pictures to the blog. Everyone should see them to understand what happened. As a comment, I would like to hear more acknowledgement of the role the ACLU played in making the release of the pictures happen. It is frequently reported that Obama "decided to release" the photos. He only did so by not opposing the court order which came when the ACLU brought a Freedom of Information case against the U.S. government. Citizens (like me -- I give 'em 10 bucks a month) fought and WON in court. Now Obama has chosen to fight the court's decision regarding the photos. Please give props to the ACLU and its magnificent efforts, if you can on your program. Secondly, I would like to see the word "asphyxiation" used instead of waterboarding, which sounds innocuous. The definition of asphyxiation in the dictionary, is, as far as I can see, a casebook definition of waterboarding. Thank you and keep up the good work. A KBOO member.