Sikhara will be in the KBOO studios for a live performance on Sounds Unsound, starting sometime shortly after midnight this Saturday night.. Oct 10... Here's from the their press materials: .
> autumn, Sikhara return to the road in the USA, giving
> their milestone 500th
> performance in surrogate hometown, Portland, OR. Their
> latest tour is
> to unveil a holy trinity of new releases on CD and DVD.
> Their newest
> effort, an ep entitled "IV War Haka" (produced
> by Jonathan Saldanha) is an
> epic tale of tribal war, invoking the warrior spirit of
> the Maori and Benin
> voodoo magic. Also available will be a live album on
> Oklahoma's
> Anti-Clock, captured during radio broadcasts for
> America's finest sister radio
> stations, KFKC and WFMU. And finally, after over a year
> in the making, Sikhara
> unveil their first dvd. A film with music from each of
> the first
> three albums and documenting travel across 3
> continents.
> Sikhara have performed their unique take on ritualistic,
> tribal sound across 26 countries including a variety of
> bizarre locales.
> They have carved their place as one of the foremost
> bands in primitive,
> post-world music.