Host a House Party for KBOO!



Published date: 
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 4:15pm
E-mail Becky for more information, or call 503-231-8032


KBOO is looking for members who are interested in bringing their friends, family, and/or neighbors together to talk about the importance of independent, community supported and community supporting radio!

We will provide fun and interesting materials such as brochures and stickers, etc. and will try to have a speaker available if requested.

Why are we doing this? So more people will hear about and join KBOO.  We think our members are the best people to reach out to their friends and ask them to consider becoming a member of KBOO!

Why is this important?

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of community radio and it’s hard to imagine Portland without KBOO.

Today, when 3-4 companies own most of the radio stations in America, we are independent, local, free, and based right here in our community. Portland has 33 AM/FM radio stations; but just 5 corporations own 85% of these. Those corporations are all based outside of Oregon.

Our news & public affairs producers are often years ahead of the mainstream media in covering major stories such as food safety, climate change, and police brutality.

Our hosts and reporters are volunteers — community members and neighbors, bringing you news and information that’s relevant to your life and based in your community.

KBOO encourages the exploration of radical approaches to problem solving, and making the world a better place.

Our music hosts play what commercial stations ignore, diving deep into many types of music.  We feature many live in-studio performances every week.

At KBOO we work hard to listen to each other and learn - so we can truly be a radio station for our whole community.

KBOO IS community radio_—that means you and me and our neighbors. Not a corporation in some city far away. This is our radio station. You are all invited to come visit the KBOO sometime very soon.

E-mail Becky for more information, or call 503-231-8032

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