39--TEXT/PROP--Tristan Tzara's "The Second Celestial Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine" as play



Hi my friends,

I fell in love with Caws' translation of "The Second Celestial
Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine."  Wish I knew and could read it in
French.  It is so close to a play that I decided it might as well
be and transcribed it as such for radio.

I've decided to produce this one and sometime late late night a few evenings back, perhaps it
was too much medical marijuana with my other before bed medications, I decided to do all of the voices,
sound effects and music myself with my voice, mouth and some technological enhancements.

So I'm going to experiment and you might be seeing this again as a cast
call if I come to my senses or fail, but in the meantime I thought I would
share the transcription and the original poem with those who enjoy seeing the scripts.

