
From: C Goff III
Subject: Dada: SITE, TEXT, PROD....
Date: Thursday, May 15, 2008, 8:03 AM

Greetings all, I
have lots of information to share.   Although I will most probably
not be able to attend the event in Portland, I offer various DADA
stuffs to all with my best wishes.
First off, this site from the UNIVERSITY OF IOWA contains a very large quantity of downloadable original texts from early Dadaists:
Second off,
this site is operated by Delaware Dadaist Justynn Tyme and organizes
some current Dadaist activities and links to many active Dadaist
Third off,
this site is my own personal Dada site.  Anyone interested in
presenting a video event in Portland can contact me to get a DVD of any
of the materials presented here, including an hour long edited
presentation from the Lawrence, Kansas International Dada Celebration
from April 1st, 2006:
Fourth off,
I have at the site below an original TEXT composition for live
performance which involves lots of randomness and Dadaesque
techniques.  It was performed at the Lawrence Dada event in 2006
and I possess some recordings of it as executed by various individuals
as well.  I offer this as a potential project for anyone
interested in an original performance piece:
Fifth Off,
I have been creating Dadaesque sonic collages and related recordings
for nearly thirty years.  I would be happy to provide a disk or
several for anyone interested in playing such recordings during the
KBOO on the air Dada broadcasts.  A very small sampling can be
accessed at:
A recording and description from the -ING performance from the San Francisco Inter-Dada Festival in 1984 can be accessed at:
have been a part of over 300 recording projects over the years, so
there is lots more material.  A catalog, reviews, other sound
samples, etc. can be accessed through the main Taped Rugs Productions
Sixth Off,
I have produced several original Dadaist and Dadaist tribute videos
with original audio over the years.  I can also send DVDs of these
to anyone interested in putting on a Dadaist Video presentation in
Portland.  The links below are for some of these which are
currently on You Tube  (there are many more available):
A Tribute To Marcel Duchamp:
Glim Glam To Ta Ta (Schwitters)
View With A Horn (DADA)
Seventh Off,
over the years I have created a huge quantity of Dadaist still imagery
and would offer 8 by 10 prints to anyone doing a gallery of today's
Dada art.  A good sampling is currently up at this webpage (the
spam commentary there also fits the Dada ethic, ha ha):
Hope this all isn't too much to absorb.  Please contact me if any of it interests you.  Good luck with the festival!
Charles Rice Goff III