Hindsight 2020



Hindsight 2020
Published date: 
Sunday, January 19, 2020 - 11:27am

What is Hindsight 2020?

On January 21, KBOO will be devoting a day to debriefing the last three years. So much has happened, and going into the 2020 election season, we think it’s important to catch up.

Under President Trump we have been inundated with scandals and information, both important and trivial.

On this day we want to focus on what you might not remember or what you might have missed in the turmoil. That includes local, national and international issues.

What have been the major changes, good and bad?


8 - 9 am Abe and Joe Talk Radio

9 - 10 am The more things change: Looking back on 3 years in the Portland Metro Area

10 - 11 am Totality of Circumstances

11 - 11:30 am Stage and Studio

11:30 am - 12 pm Art Focus

12 - 1 pm  The environment in the Trump era: Not just a drop in the ocean, venturing deeper into the woods, why on earth

1 - 1:30 pm A look back at education over the past three years of Trump

1:30 - 2 pm The collective bargain: labor unions under trump

2- 3 pm The cost of a better life: Debriefing Immigration Policy under the Trump Administration

3 - 3:30 pm Technology: The push and pull of privacy and progress

3:30 - 4 pm Combating White Nationalism

4 - 5 pm The War in Yemen: An Interview

5 - 5:30 pm The KBOO Evening News

5:30 - 6 pm Project Censored: The Top Censored News Stories

6 - 7 pm Transpositive PDX

7 - 8 pm Calculated Conversation