Volunteer Spotlight



Published date: 
Monday, September 19, 2016 - 9:15pm
Meet KBOO News and Public Affairs Producer Jenna Yokoyama!

1. Please introduce yourself to the KBOO Community-- who are you, and what are you passionate about?

I'm Jenna. I'm an extroverted introvert who's obsessed with hiking and Star Trek. 

2. What's your favorite thing to do on a day with no commitments?

Either hiking on a mountain or hanging out with my nephew. Ideally, hiking on a mountain with my nephew, but he's 4 years old so it'll be awhile before he's willing to join me. 

3. What brought you to KBOO?

I was looking for somewhere to volunteer locally and hoped to find a community of like minded people, so I volunteered for the winter membership drive and ended up pitching on air my first day. I loved it and have come back to KBOO almost every day since.

4. What have you done at KBOO?

I anchor and produce for the Evening News, teach Intro to Audio Production class, and am a producer for the show Pacific Underground. I also clean out the fridge when it starts to smell like mystery cheese. 

5. What have you learned?

Oh goodness, I've learned so much. There's the technical stuff like how to operate the board and edit audio. Then there's all the other stuff I've learned from the people at KBOO about activism, PNW history, tolerance, compassion,etc. The list is loooonnggg.

6. Are there other things you'd like to do at KBOO in the future?

Thinking about doing a music show about alternative cello music or doing a show with Leonard Nimoy singing the hits. 

7. What's your favorite moment at KBOO? Any highlights?

Maybe not my favorite, but most memorable moment is when I flushed my keys down the toilet on accident. If anyone sees them, don't return them to me. Thank you. 

8. How does KBOO help your family/community/etc/?

KBOO keeps me connected to the part of Portland the mainstream media seems to ignore. KBOO has given me a sense of place and community in a city that I find truly weird. 

9. Why is KBOO important?

Free radio is important. Even though I'm a podcaster and listen to KBOO mainly online, I believe that non-corporate radio is important to a free democracy. It's easy to shut down the internet, but the airwaves will always be the rebel means of communication.   

10. What else do you want people to know about you?

I'm a classically trained singer and I'm tempted to sing the KBOO Evening News when I'm anchoring sometimes. The headlines are very operatic these days so it seems fitting.