Tribute to Melodie Silverwolf


Tribute to Melodie Silverwolf

Former KBOO Talk Show host and Board Member, Melodie Silverwolf died on Friday, April 24th, after suffering a stroke earlier in the month.

Melodie was one of KBOO’s original Morning Talk Show hosts. She and Ani Haines founded Positively Revolting Talk Radio 21 years ago. Melodie was a strong voice for women, witches, and the goddess tradition.

In 1995 Melodie was elected to the KBOO Board of Directors and served until 2006. She was President of the Board from 2005 to 2006.

Melodie was a dedicated community activist, who was involved with the Buckman neighborhood association during the time she lived in that area. She was a longtime hemp and marijuana activist and served on the Board of Oregon NORML. For many years she fought to put a measure on the Oregon ballot legalizing marijuana.

At the time of her death she was living and working in Spokane, Washington. She was sixty-one years old.

A service for Melodie will be held on Saturday, May 16th, at 1PM, at the Melody Ballroom, at 615 SE Alder St, Portland.