Music show on 07/21/13



quincyhoist DJing

quincyhoist subbed for Back to the Egg on Sunday July 21, 2013 12am-3am.

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playlist :

Derrick HarriottPsychedelic Train7"Crystal
Alain KanSpeed My SpeedDirty French PsychedelicsBorn Bad
MoodymannuntitledPrivate EditsPCC
Super Rail BandFolibaNew Dimensions in Rail CultureGlobe Style
Leo ZeroMessage of LoveLeo Zero EditsGlory's
Dennis BuschuntitledNew YouReal Soon
General Zod & CougarmanAfro SymphonyWhen Sally Met MandingoGolden Hole
Four Tetuntitled edit12"no label
Omar SPlesetsk CosmodromePlesetsk CosmodromeFXHE
Sly StoneFamily AffairI'm Back!Cleopatra
Coach House Rhythm SectionNobody's Got Time12"Ice
SubuntitledAlpha Cutauri IIIAlpha Cutauri
Frankie Goes to HollywoodRelax (sex mix)12"FGTH
Ron HardyRon Hardy editRDY 2RDY
Abstract ThoughtMe Wants Woman's PunaniHypothetical SituationsKombination Research
Levon VincentA Melody for EveryoneThe Medium is the MessageNovel Sound
Laughing Light of PlentyThe RoseLaughing Light of PlentyWhatever We Want
Reel by RealBuckshotSurkit Chamber - The MeldingA.R.T.less
Santiago SalazarArcade (Stefan Goldmann mix)12"Macro
Tod Dockstaderselections from...Recorded Music for Film, Radio & TelevisionMordant
Asmus TietchensNosferatuMusik Im SchattenVinyl on Demand
Western StandardsuntitledEnergy Centreself released
IntrusionTswana Dub12"Echospace
Jerry JohnsonZion Rock7"City Line
Idea Fire CompanyLike Old DaysIsland of TasteSwill Radio