Rupa and the April Fishes: Build(ing) Community



Rupa and the April Fishes
Rupa and the April Fishes
Rupa and the April Fishes
Rupa and the April Fishes

Rupa Marya is the lead vocalist and director of Rupa and the April Fishes. Their music encompasses elements of jazz, blues, klezmer, folk amongst others, with songs in Spanish, French and English. Rupa herself was born in India, grew up in France and San Francisco, and uses her music to give voice to her experiences.

While Rupa is also medical doctor. She took a hiatus from medicine last year to develop their latest album, Build. Build was released this past year, inspired by uprisings around the world including the Occupy movements, Tahrir Square, Chilean student riots and the economic difficulties in Greece. 

While they were on tour in Portland last month, Rupa joined Sarika Mehta at KBOO to discuss the Build tour, and specifically, an upcoming 6-week stay in India to promote awareness on the devasting issue of farmer suicides

Tune in on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 11 am on Stage and Studio to hear the interview and music!