New Jazz Releases, July 24, 2012



New Releases added to the Jazz Section of the KBOO Library the week of July 24, 2012

John Abercrombie            Within A Song                    ECM
Joe Alterman                Give Me the Simple Life            Miles High
Laila Biali                Live In Concert                self prod
Brian Bromberg            Bromberg Plays Hendrix            Artistry
Brian Bromberg            In the Spirit of Jobim                Artistry
Bill Cantrall                Live at the Kitano                Upswing
Ori Dragan                Less Than Three                Scat Cat
Harris Eisenstadt            Canada Day 3                    Songlines
Connie Evingson            Sweet Happy Life                Minnehaha
Grant Geissman            Bop/Bang/Boom                Futurism
Aleks Girshevich            Tomorrow                    self prod
Tom Harrell                Number Five                    High Note
Paul Hofmann                Dialogues in Rhythm                MHR
Francois Houle            Genera                    Songlines
Jazz Girot                Ribouem                    self prod
Cheryl Jewell                My Blue Heaven                self prod
David Sills                The Sweetest Melody                Gut String
Sandra Marlowe            True Blue                    self prod
Daniel McBrearty            Clarinet Swing                    Sabam
Marcus Miller                Renaissance                    Concord
Hafez Modirzadeh            Post-Chromodal Out!                Pi
Tyson Naylor                Kosmonauten                    Songlines
Roberta Piket                Solo                              Thirteenth Note
Greg Poree                Phoenix                    Moontraxx
Project Grand Slam            Spring Dance                    Cakewalk
Carol Saboya                Belezas                    AAM
Christian Scott            Atunde Adjuah                    Concord
Avery Sharpe                Sojourner Truth                JKNM
John Stowell                Throop                        Origin
Milton Suggs                Lyrical                        Skiptone
Tiptons Sax Quartet            Strange Flower                self prod
Kevin Toney                New American Suite                self prod
Sumi Tonooka                Now                        ARC
Mike Vlatkovich            Pershing Woman                Mentum
Jessica Williams            Songs of Earth                Origin
Larry Willis                This Time the Dream’s on Me        High Note