Hi all -
I have not been modeling good blogging skills, I know. So with the new year, I've resolved to write more frequently... and have those entries be shorter. We'll see how this goes.
New Office Hours!
Yes, I have new office hours. I am now here from 11am to 2:30 pm on weekdays KBOO time. So if you'd like to drop in, I should be a little bit easier to find. And if you'd like to make an appointment or share your thoughts, you can do that at web@kboo.org.
New Ads!
Yes, we finally have advertisements. It's pretty exciting.
Updated Main Links!
We've updated the main links that appear just beneath the mixing board. We wanted to give more emphasis to things like ways to support KBOO financially or voluntarily, and listening Live to KBOO. But we got some feedback pretty quickly that you were missing the Programs link. So, we've re-added it.
News & Culture as well as Programs by name can be found under Schedule. Archive contains Archives By Show, Listen to Evening News, Listen to Live Music, Listen to Public Affairs and Listen to Radio Theater, and Recent Playlists.
Programmers might notice a couple of new categories there. Audio listed under Live Music contains the Musical Genres Vocabulary Live Performance, and audio listed under Radio Theater contains the Music Genres Vocabulary Radio Theatre.
More additions will be coming to the front page and the main links in the next couple months so stay tuned.
Program RSS Feeds!
Are you a programmer who regularly uploads their audio? If so, you'll find Program Feeds (ie RSS feeds) under the Coming Soon/Hosted by on your program page.
Hot New Spam!
The thing about spam is that it moves as fast as technology. A hot new form of spam is registering for a website, say, like KBOO.FM, and then in the profile, put in your big old gob of spam. It's great -- if you're a spammer. We've been making some changes to tighten things up around here so spam won't be sticking around so long. We've already disabled 300 pages of spam.
Coming Up!
The Books on the Air section will go live. As will the HTML Schedule Grid. And, the membership drive...