The Angry Indian Minute 4-7-11



An Angry Indian Minute

“The Angry Indian Minute:” inspired by the “Angry Asian Minute” from APA compass.

Can I Buy You a Drink?

By Eugene Johnson

About a third of the time I mention alcohol or make a joke about drinking to a white man, they always say something racist like “I thought you Indians couldn’t drink alcohol” or something along the lines of all Indians being alcoholics.

The last time this happened, I mentioned that I knew a lot of white men who were alcoholics. A white man said “don’t say anything about my white people,” which brings up another point: Why is it white men are only concerned about racism when it comes to white men whether or not it is actual racism? Ask them what they do about racism in general; or racism against blacks, Indians, Jews, Mexicans, Central and South Americans, Middle Easterners, Asians, etc., and one is met with only silence.

When I mentioned that I knew white men who were alcoholics it was in defense against the racism of the stereotyping by white people that Indians are all or have been alcoholics. I do not stereotype all white people as alcoholics. Alcoholism is an addiction that effects all races, societies, genders, etc., all over the world. I am capable of having an understanding that alcohol addiction can face any individual in spite of their race or gender. Not bad for a race that it was said of a few generations ago that we were incapable of thinking critically and thus unable to be educated. Hmmm!?

Just in case you are wondering, and I’m sure you are, I have never been an alcoholic. I’ve gotten drunk a few times in my youth. I drink beer and wine occasionally. My favorite drug of choice, however, is caffeine. Make a racist joke out of that!

So, when I mention alcohol or make a little joke about drinking, don’t make any racist comments about Indians and alcohol, and NO, I won’t ask you nicely! Of course, I could always mention about whites and meth. I know about you white people and meth.


Today’s “Angry Indian Minute” has been brought to you by Hot Chocolate. Hot Chocolate, the chocolate truffle sweet on the outside, but filled with more pepper than you can handle on the inside. It comes in milk and dark chocolate and in all shades from white to black. Hot Chocolate, the chocolate too hot for you to handle, can be found just walking down the street. Hot Chocolate, the chocolate that bites back.



Rich's picture

<p>Brilliant rant!</p>
<p>It's that stupid thing that white dudes do, where it's supposed to be a hip aknowledgement of a racist preconception but is in itself racist, in my opinion. The need to continually bring it up or continously elbow your other race friend in the ribs with japes to that effect is dumb. Lots of white guys think it's not racist or shows how 'down with it' they are, but I can't see how that wouldn't cause friction in a genuine friendship.</p>
<p>But maybe that's me. I find most inauthentic communications irritating and don't think it's what friends should waste their time doing. While I struggle with my own race issues (I'm a white dude) and how I perceive others, it's never seemed to me like something that would put someone at ease or would even be funny. It's like making Holocaust jokes to Jewish friends, but maybe I'm being hyperbolic.</p>

<p>Re: the "Angry Indian Minute", I&nbsp;say "Mmm hmm!" in solidarity. </p>
<p>I also find it interesting, when someone enlightens me about another race with stereotypical insights. Mmm hmm.</p>
<p>And, I am proud to be a member of a "Hot Chocolate" club!</p>
<p>Thanks for lendin' your voice!</p>
Hi Eugene, I appreciate you points and want to share this post from the "this ain't livin' " blog. I also find it disturbing when certain Whites or men apparently think nothing of making a "witty" "ironic" racist or sexist comment and then becoming condescending when called on it because their target didn't "get" the joke. Its called a "microaggression. Microaggressions are about  reminding you (and the person) of their "superiority".  But  if you make a comment about their exaulted group, they often get agitated and accuse you of being "divisive" and racist or sexist toward whatever privileged group they belong to.