Input on Community Calendar Needed Now!



Do you have opinions about community calendars? Time to share.

As you might have guessed, I'm going to be redesigning the online KBOO Community Calendar with your input. And with your input, it can be great. Are you game?

Do you have opinions about Community Calendars in general, or the KBOO Online Community Calendar in specific?

Ever designed an online calendar from the ground up?

Got calendar apps you like online?

Please share what you love and loathe about our online Community Calendar, and other online calendars you run across online. I'm curious about what works for you, what's elegant and easy to use, as well as ideas that ought to work but just don't.

Please use my contact form, or if you'd prefer, you can also just email me the old fashioned way at web [at] kboo [dot] org.

Thanks so much!

photo, Sketchnote Calendar Macro Mockup by Mike Rhode,


<p>&nbsp;I thought I was sending a note to the web person, not a public comment! &nbsp;Hummmm...</p>