La Confessional for February 5, 2011



La Confessional for February 5, 2011

What fun we have on last programa, with'a so many talented callers (mostly) sharing they thoughts with'a you dearest listeners.

Confessional02052011M by contessa

Is complex world we living in, and is sometimes hard to find our way. La Confessional is'a you opportunity to come clean about'a what is'a on you mind and weighing on you shoulders. So next time, call in and'a get off you chest these thoughts, and share what you got to say.

Next program 4th Saturday/Sunday in February, is'a going to be on 27th, then back to 1st and 3rd in'a March. Is confusing, but you know, what not?

ciao baby


La Contessa de la Luna

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