Sacred Sites



Links to articles about sacred sites

Sacred Sites


On Thursday, January 27, Tillicum Wawa: Voices of the People discussed the issues of the destruction of sacred sites. Currently, Nakota Energy LLC, is planning on oil drilling in the surrounding areas of Bear Butte, the mountain most sacred to many plains tribes, such as the Lakota, Nakota, Dakota, Cheyenne, Arapaho, etc. We can find little to no information on Nakota Energy. Shusli also discussed the grave robbing going on at Yotocket in order that pot hunters can profit off of those slaughtered around 150 years ago. Here are links to articles about the oil drilling near Bear Butte:

Bear Butte Historic Value Pauses Oil Development

Oil Development Plan Poses Threat To Bear Butte

Companies Plan Oil Wells Near SD's Bear Butte

Here is a link to the online petition going out to help bring attention to the desecration of Bear Butte by Nakota Energy, LLC.


Here is an article on the grave robbers stealing native remains and artifacts to sell underground from the Yontocket massacre site. May this crime come around to these criminals and may they pay for their crimes whether it be through the government and or through the spirit world!


Here is a legal summary about Yontocket.

Legal Summary

Please, one and all, help us to protect all sacred sites from those, mostly heartless corporations, who consider nothing sacred, with the possible exception of money.