Photos from the Tillicum Wawa Interviews of Michelle Singer and Dr. Dale Walker of the One Sky Cente



Photos from the 1-20-11 Tillicum Wawa
Located in this cute little building on the OHSU campus is...The One Sky Center, the center for American Indian health education and research.
L to R: Susan Halada, Michelle Singer, Patricia Silk Walker, Douglas Bigelow, Dale Walker
The above photo was taken at the One Sky Center, like KBOO, a small humble place that does big things. One Sky is located on the OHSU campus in Portland, Oregon. These are about half of the employees of the One Sky Center.

Patricia and Dale Walker
Patricia and Dale walker stand in front of the banner for the One Sky Center. They have been married and have worked together for over 30 years. The work that these people have done and are doing for the benefit of improving health in Indian country is amazing.

Dale Walker and one-third of the hosts of Tillicum Wawa, Eugene Johnson
This photo was taken in front of One Sky Center sign shown above.

Douglas Bigelow
One Sky Center's Doug Bigelow let me photograph an overlay of a project he is working on.

Some Awards that the One Sky Center has won and on the top shelf, examples of some of Dr. Dale Walker's photography.
L to R: Michelle Singer, Dr. Dale Walker, Louis Sowa, Rhonda "Shusli" Baseler, Eugene Johnson
The above photo was taken in the lobby of KBOO shortly after the show. To hear the podcast of the Tillicum Wawa: Voices of the People interviews with Dr. Dale Walker and Michelle Singer, click here!

L to R: Michelle Singer, Louis Sowa, John Mackey, and Dr. Dale Walker
It turned out that Michelle Singer and Dale Walker knew and worked with John Mackey, Sr. KBOO's engineer is John Mackey Jr. who also worked with Dr. Dale Walker. John Mackey, Jr. used to be a counselor for drug and alcohol abuse.

L to R: Michelle Singer, Dale Walker, Rhonda "Shusli" Baseler
Louis Sowa
Dr. Dale Walker
Rhonda "Shusli" Baseler
Michelle Singer
John Mackey looking SPIFF in his Coast Guard uniform
Kurt Lauer, Tillicum Wawa's engineer. Kurt Lauer, everybody! Kurt Lauer!
The Eaves Drop premiered with their pilot program after Tillicum Wawa with the Kitchen Table Collective. They talked about the portrayal of African American women in film.
Ani Haines, volunteer coordinator at KBOO. Ani Haines, everybody! Ani Haines!