Jan Michael Looking Wolf



Interview with Jan Michael Looking Wolf with Live Performance

Jan Michael Looking Wolf

Listen in January 13th to KBOO 90.7FM at 6PM to hear Jan Michael Looking Wolf on Tillicum Wawa:Voices of the People, Native American music and community connection program.

Jan Michael Looking Wolf is widely considered the premier Native American Flute Performer in the world today. His message of One Heart and many humanitarian contributions with his music have earned Jan Michael a special relationship with both national and international communities. His unwavering efforts for unity and healing of all people, regardless of color or ethnicity, are a true reflection of Jan Michael’s lifeway, both on stage and off.

Jan and his guitarist, Nathan Meyers will preform some music LIVE and Jan will share with our listeners about his community service, his work as a teacher and as a musician. We will hear "Breakin Free", Native American Music Award winning Record of the Year and more great cuts from Looking Wolf's work.

So listen in for what will be a very special radio show event with Jan Michael Looking Wolf January 13th on KBOO 90.7FM Portland, Corvallis 100.7FM, Hood River 90.9FM or on the web at kboo.fm

You are going to love it!