Benefest ~ A Benefit for Buckman School and Portland Schools Foundation




KBOO is a proud media sponsor for Benefest

A benefit festival to support arts education at Buckman Elementary and the Portland Schools Foundation, produced by the good folks who bring you Pickathon Indie Roots Music Festival. Benefest is a unique collaboration between Portland venues, musicians, Buckman Elementary, and Pickathon.

Buckman Arts Focus Elementary School is the only public arts focus elementary school in Portland Public Schools (PPS). Its innovative arts- integrated curriculum nurtures and challenges the whole child- nourishing the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and artistic development of each student. Buckman students achieve academic excellence as they develop a lifelong love of learning and creative expression. This innovative approach to teaching and learning needs community support to continue.

Notably, Buckman receives no additional financial support for arts instruction from PPS. Buckman has sustained its arts focus through fundraising efforts and contributions from families and community members. Without this extra funding, our unique, successful arts program would not survive.