The December meeting of the KBOO Board of Directors will be Monday Dec. 28 at 6 pm at the station.
Here is what has been suggested for the agenda so far. In general, if people have items for the board agenda they should let me know.
I'm not sure who is signed up to bring food.
Introductory Matters
- Check-in
- Public Comments
- Approve October and November Minutes
- See if people completed last month's assignment to read the Bylaws
- Check to see progress on other committments--
- Maire was going to check the recording of last month's meeting to resolve issue from minutes re: her vote
- We were supposed to get clarification from Mark on the Board Liason policy
Items From Last Month
- Finance Deficit Trend Report
- Dalles Station Opening
- Vacant Board Seat
New Matters
- Comment on Promotions and Advertising from Yugen Rashaad
- Policy proposals for Board Approval--Attached
- Membership Dues Policy
- Studio Rental Policy
Closed Session
- Personnel Matter
- Employee Reviews
- Litigation Update--including policy issue
If we have more time, we can address more issues--I would like to have a talk about annual goals at some point. The natural place to start would be to look at last year's goals. I'll try to find them and maybe add them here.
Since this is a blog, I feel like I should write something personal and witty. All I can think of is that the title of this entry is drafting the agenda and my front room here where I'm typing has been drafty. I like winter, but I'm not sad that we're going to be turning toward the sun soon.
A revised version of the
<P>A revised version of the agenda can be found at: <A href=""></A></P>