Was the Square Dance just a week ago?



Was the Square Dance just a week ago?

Yes.  What a fun time it was; finishing up a successful membership drive made it all the sweeter.

But the week went by quickly.  As much as I like hearing people talk about why KBOO is important to them and seeing that listeners care enough to donate money, it's been nice this week to listen to uninterrupted programming.  I found Lisa Loving's interview with Matt Davis to be timely and interesting.  Is it bad of me to say that Matt's voice reminds me of the Geico lizard?  Here's a link to the show: blogtown.portlandmercury.com/BlogtownPDX/archives/2010/02/03/campbells-death-our-fault-not-the-cops-at-least-in-part 

Matt wrote on Blogtown that KBOO lacks an audience, but I hope to be able to prove him wrong eventually .  If we had him on the air more, we might attract more listeners, but I see KPOJ has got him on too.

The February board meeting 2/22 will be here soon.  We've got spots on the board, applications are available somewhere on this website (I think there is a link on the right side of the kboo home page) and we'll interview folks at the meeting. 

If you're reading this and you have an idea for the board meeting agenda, please let me know as a comment here or by email to becky@herfingertips.com.

I'm attaching an announcement from the board about laying off the station manager.  The staff put out a nice piece about community, but I'm not sure if it is final yet.

 (ps if anyone wants to ask me a question about my job or anything else, they should email me to set up a time to talk  becky@herfingertips.com)




I have an item for the agenda, and since it's a public meeting and public business, I greatly prefer to talk about this publicly.What I would like to do is to continue my idea of a brainstorm session to make a list of what we all want changed at KBOO.  This way, everyone gets a very small, but very unobscured voice at KBOO.  You said there was no time to do this at the last meeting............but, that's precisely the reason why I'm pushing this idea.  We have layers and layers and layers of issues to deal with---and we had better get busy doing something concrete about this before we all drown.We need to be pro-active, instead of being re-active.What's great about this list idea is that it's just a baby-step.  It's just putting everything on the table, with no value-judgments as to the items.  It's just a reality-check to put things in perspective before we begin to work on these items.  It's so that the left arm knows what the right arm is doing.---One thing I learned (outside of kboo, while learning production inside of kboo), is that the first step to ANY creative process is to FIRST compile all the information needed/related to the project.  So, really, if we want positive things......we have to get everything on the table first......What I had in mind obviously was a list.  But also, each item should have an attached brief solution as a springboard.  For example, someone might say that they want the dismissive culture to be changed, and they propose that we create policies which provide mechanisms and checks and balances to counter and hopefully prevent the dismissiveness altogether.  We can also try to organize our ideas into categories such as: procedure/process; culture; radio production/air products; community involvement/connection.....whatever, it's up to us.......
I've done this before for another non-profit.

I volunteer to write everything down on a giant notepad, or on the black or white board.  I've done this before for another non-profit. Do we have a giant notepad with a kiosk to hold it up???  Of course, the list would later be transmitted into the minutes of the meeting.I've done this before for another non-profit.Do we have a giant notepad with a kiosk to hold it up???  Of course, the list would later be transmitted into the minutes of the meeting.Just as good---------anyone can email me with their ideas and I will include those in the list anonymously........my email address is joilaing@hotmail.com.Thanks.........Yvette

<p>hi Yvette.&nbsp; If people want to use their public comment time at the beginning of the meeting to list what they want changed at KBOO, I would be happy to let you record the ideas on the white board to keep track of. I'm not sure if we'll have time to address them all, but we can keep a running list and include them in or attach them to the minutes.</p>

I'm trying to do this with the group in mind.  I would rather just ask the group to decide if they would like to do this exercise at this particular meeting, if they would like to do it before or after discussion of our immediate concerns, during public comments, in another form such as a grassroots listserv, or if they would like to do it at all.I don't suggest that we try to address the items we list yet at this meeting!  We should put our energy into making a quality, comprehensive list, and then go from there.  That's enough for one day. After that, it's a whole other discussion.  Ideally, everyone at the meeting should get a copy of the list in email, so that we can reflect on everything and come up with solutions/feedback.  We will undoubtedly need to ask ourselves whether or not kboo in its present form can effectively implement the improvements we want.  Or maybe that (kboo's present form) should be at the top of the list!  Our "processes" have a lot to do with our "products."Having done this brainstorming exercise before, I suggest a giant (2' x 3'-ish) notepad from office depot or wherever.  Does kboo have those things for meetings?  Again, email works great, too---anyone can email me at joilaing@hotmail.com and I will anonymously bring your items to the larger list.Thanks,Yvette