News from the Board- January 2009



News from the Board- January 2009

We would like to re-welcome Louis Sowa as our twelfth seated board member. Louis pinch hitted last year and served on the board for half a year. He will be serving a two year term having been appointed to the position vacated by Jay Theymeier. Louis is a tremendous help around the station in the engineering department and you can sometimes hear him on the air with Indian World. We appreciate all the great contributions that Louis is making to the station. Welcome Louis!


I would like to read the board minutes that are presented to the board each month for approval.

I live in the mid Willamette Valley and it is not practical for me to go to the station to read the minutes.

I could not find them online as I could find the monthly agenda.

I know these minutes are public and want to know how I can find them.

Keep up the good work.


Tremaine Arkley
503 838-4886

We've recently made finding and reading the board minutes a little easier. Go to: There you will see a link to click on for Board Meeting Minutes.

We usually wait until there has been board approval before posting the minutes. We do this so there won't be misunderstandings if an error is in a draft document. Unfortunately this can delay the posting of the minutes for the month. Don't hesitate to contact a board member is you have a question regarding our activities.

Thanks for your interest!

judy arielle fiestal