How do we build an economy that's green AND fair?


From the White House to City Hall, everyone's talking about making the transition to a new green economy. But how do we make sure this new economy doesn't perpetuate the disparities of the old one? Can we make the shift without making things even worse for those already struggling with economic and environmental injustice? How can we ensure that all communities benefit from this transition?

This week on Voices from the Edge, Dave talks with Vien Truong, Senior Policy Associate for Green For All, a national non-profit organization working to build "an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty." Truong works with state policymakers and community leaders in creating green job policies and programs throughout the country. Also joining the conversation will be Mike Leachman, a policy analyst at the Oregon Center for Public Policy and that organization's representative in the Oregon Apollo Alliance, a coalition of labor, business, environmental and community organizations working for a clean energy revolution that will create high-quality green-collar jobs. Join us in the discussion about how we make Oregon's new economy green and fair.

The conversation doesn't end when the program does. You can join in additional discussion of the week's issue on our blog at (click on the "blog" tab). You'll find additional information, important links, comments from other listeners and commentary from Jo Ann and Dave. Have a question for our guests, but can't call in during the program? Post your questions on line so we can make them a part of the Voices discussion.

Special Program Announcement:

This Saturday, April 11, Jo Ann and Dave will present a special, non-broadcast, edition of Voices from the Edge featuring Democracy Now's Amy Goodman. The live conversation with the award-winning journalist will take place at noon at the Bagdad Theater. Goodman will be on hand after the program to sign the new paperback edition of her book, Standing Up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times. This is a special event to support KBOO 90.7 FM. Tickets are $15.00. Tickets can be purchased at Crystal Ballroom Box Office, Bagdad Theater or at KBOO. Details are available at


We can ensure a fairer economy for all by one simple thing that the president can do by executive order: resurrect CETA, the social program spearheaded under the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson that Reagan eviscerated. CETA was a subsidized jobs placement program that served the economically disadvantaged of all races and ages and genders.Those most at risk for being discrimininated against for opportunity were afforded opportunity through CETA. Beneficiaries included racial minorities and women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and middle-aged long-term unemployed job-seekers.Participants were placed in jobs where the federal government subsidized part or all of the wages for a specified term of 6 months to one year. This gave CETA participants a chance to gain a toehold in the job market and get exprience and employer references, enabling them to springboard into non-subsidized middle class careers.CETA also seerved as a gateway to union apprenticeships for the skilled trades as well.The only way to ensure that those most likely to be poor because of job discrimination: women, minorities, older workers, etc., is to bring back CETA and incorporate priority in job placement for those who are the most economically disadvantaged and in need of a job: those without any income and whom welfare will not help — because in most states, poor adults without small kids are ineligible for help from any social programs (unless they're disabled enough to qualify for a $600/mo SSI check).