Message from the KBOO staff on community standards and abuse



 Message from the KBOO staff:

KBOO is a community devoted to providing a forum for unpopular, controversial or neglected perspectives on important local, national and international issues reflecting our values of peace, justice, democracy, human rights, environmentalism, freedom of expression and social change.  We do this primarily through our radio signal, but increasingly, through our online and mobile presence as well.

Online, through email, comments or discussion forums, it is easy to write something quickly, out of anger, that you may later regret.  Please think carefully and be mindful of the impact on the community at large when you comment online about any member of the KBOO community.

Members of the public who read the website, forums, or emails are neither interested nor involved in internal discussions about KBOO members or politics, and posting personal attacks does not foster a safe, healthy and welcoming environment – in fact, it is a form of verbal violence.

We have four agreements that we ask all volunteers and participants in the KBOO community to adhere to:
-We always treat others with love and respect….or at least respect!
-It is never ok to humiliate anyone.
-We expect everyone in our community to treat others well.
-We each have a personal responsibility to resolve our conflicts.

If you have a problem with someone at KBOO, try to resolve it with that person directly – and if that doesn’t work, talk to the Volunteer Coordinator and, if necessary, initiate the Conflict Resolution process that we have set up to address these types of issues.  

Many of us have strong feelings about how to maintain and improve KBOO, and feel a strong devotion to KBOO’s mission.  But our devotion to the station should never lead us to belittle, disrespect or publicly humiliate other members of the KBOO community.

When sharing information, we need to keep in mind that it is not helpful to the community to share or spread information that has not been verified, and that you do not know to be correct.  

Spreading rumors, calling names, forging documents, engaging in personal attacks, online flame wars – all of these are extremely harmful to our community.  Ask yourself before you post something online: am I fanning the flames by posting this?  Do I have enough information to comment on this issue?  Is this action likely to de-escalate the situation so we can get back to concentrating on the issues?  Am I letting my personal differences with a particular individual get in my way of seeing clearly what is good for the community?

Our community must be a safe, supportive place for everyone.  We are a diverse place, and yes, there will be differences between us.  But that is no excuse for engaging in behavior that hurts other people, or accuses them unjustly without knowing all the facts.

There’s a big difference between constructive criticism that helps advance our community, and personal attacks that do nothing to move us forward.

It s our responsibility to let each other know when we are doing harm to another person or a group of people, and we will provide support when anyone is treated in a hurtful way.

We are writing this not to be accusatory against any particular person, because we acknowledge our part in condoning, if not directly participating, in some of this behavior.  But people are getting hurt by this type of behavior, and it has got to stop.


The KBOO Staff
-approved 2/5/10