Bridget B's Back In Stride Again


Wow, seems like I've been away for ages.  I know I haven't posted a blog entry in at least a century or truth be told months.  Got a little busy with this thing called work.  Who invented it anyway?

Last week, I returned from nearly a full month of traveling and of course I brought back some fantastic music to share with all of you.  My recent jaunts included New York, Dallas, Orlando, DC and oui, oui, Paris, France.  So what does that tell you?  The first hour of my show is always international in scope so expect nothing less.  Not only will I be speaking French to get you buttered up, but the programming that I'm doing for this Saturday will not only move you, it will enter your being and transport you to another place.

I will always remember Paris and hope you will transport yourself there while listening to the sounds I plan to deliver this Saturday, December 5 starting at 7pm on an Evening of Afrotainment.

Samedi soir mes amis.