Tonight on Labor Radio!


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KBOO Labor Radio Collective Update!
listen online at  6pm Monday nights
KBOO Community Radio   90.7 FM

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Today on Labor Radio, Monday, May 11th, at 6pm  co-hosts Al Bradbury and Deborah Schwartz bring you a special Membership Drive special on labor in the financial sector.  Banks get bailed out and  workers get left out!  As our economy spiraled out of control, the 8 Big Banks received a total of $125 Billion in taxpayer funds.  Where did that money go?  Bank CEOs got bonuses and many banks amped up lobbying against the Employee Free Choice Act.  Do you think your money was well spent?

In our discussion of the financial crisis, front-line bank workers are often left out of the conversation.  We will speak with Rebecca, a former bank employee about her experience in the banking industry and gender identity discrimination in the workplace. 

We will also be joined by Peter Cervantes-Gauschi, co-founder of Enlace, a community organization committed to low-wage worker organizing, discuss the "Tax the TARP Subsidy" campaign.  Seven financial holding companies have subsidiaries incorporated in Oregon that received a total of over $105 billion from TARP.   What would a TARP Subsidy tax look like in Oregon?  How do we demand justice from banks? 

For answers to these questions and more, tune into Labor Radio, tomorrow!  6-6:30pm on KBOO 90.7 FM

Or, stream live on the internet:
Al and Deborah have a next show topic they want to share with the Portland community.
Banks Vs. Working People:
On May 11, Al Bradbury and Deborah Schwartz
will explore the campaign to tax banks benefiting from the bailout and talk
to a former bank worker about her experience laboring in the financial sector.
PS. This is the audio from their show on Monday, April 13th.  They always welcome feedback:
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