Villages as Alternative Shelter



Authored by: 
Todd Ferry
Published date: 
Thursday, July 14, 2022 - 2:41pm
Produced for (Program name): 
Researchers talk about study on villages as alternative shelter

Todd Ferry from Portland State University shares the results of his study on villages as alternative shelter and the how-to guide developed from the research. A key finding in the Village Research and How-To Guide was that 69% of villagers said that they should share in decision making at the village, and it was a key contributor to villager satisfaction. Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative researchers Dr. Marisa Zapata and Dr. Greg Townley were also part of the research team. Ferry also talks about how he got into this work and a little bit about the history of villages in Portland.

Recommended Reading:

Village Research & How-To Guide

 Center for Public Interest Design website

 Jack Tafari's Street Roots piece on the Out of the Doorways Campaign

 Dr. Krista Evans' Inventory of Tiny House Villages in the United States

 Dr. Susan Fiske's Neuroimaging Study on Dehumanization & Rehumanization