The group of fabulous folks who created Youth Out Loud! (a documentary film and teaching tool) are actively producing an updated version, Youth Out Loud II. They are looking for help in contacting youth, teachers, school administrators and staff who would like to participate with this project about queer youth experience in schools.
Please share the message below with others who might be interested in making this queer youth documentary a success. Thank you! And a special thanks to those adding their voices to the documentary!
Contact: Darla Marcus
I am a production coordinator with a non-profit documentary organization called Sun & Moon Vision Productions. We are currently in production for a documentary called Youth Out Loud! II(YOL!2). It is a sequel to a documentary we released in 2000 addressing LGBT youth issues in schools.
Youth Out Loud is used as a tool to educate teachers, school administrators and staff on safety for all students. Our first YOL! was originally created to educate in San Diego County, but since then has been used at universities throughout the country, appeared in over 150 film festivals all over the world and translated into 4 different languages. Little has changed for our LGBT youth since 2000, but issues are different. That is why we are creating an updated version.
Right now, we are looking for help in contacting youth, teachers, school administrators and staff in other states to participate in this important documentary. We would like to speak with anyone who is actively doing what they can to create tolerance and safety in their schools. I would like to ask you for your help with getting me in contact with such individuals.
Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or helpful information. You may also forward my contact information to anyone you may think would be interested in getting involved.
I appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Thank you, Darla Marcus
Assoc. Producer, Youth Out Loud! II
Sun & Moon Vision Productions
619-300-9763 c