85--NEWS/CALL--Studio recording times, play seeks cast Thurs, still want large event?


Hi there,
Here are some more recording times when you can come in and get your readings/performances recorded. And Grace is planning to get "Such A Divine Soul" (email #40) recorded this coming Thursday. Please come with voice.
7/22 Tuesday 7-11 Richard
7/23 Wednesday 7-11 Richard
7/24 Thursday 7-9 Grace
7/26 Saturday 6-10 Richard
7/27 Sunday 4-8 Richard
7/29 Tuesday 7-11 Richard
7/30 Wednesday 7-11 Richard
7/31 Thursday Grace will be recording "The Beard", already cast
If you were hoping to schedule a large event and watched the deadline pass you CAN still get a block of time for an event but you need to get your proposal (email #35) in to me DURING THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS. I hope to have the schedule roughed out with major events and off to the typesetter by the end of this week.